Research and scientific production is one of the topics in which our students and research fellows are immersed from the beginning of their stay. Student researchers at V-BAL (as well as collaborating institutions) have co-written scientific papers and presented at many local and national conventions, including the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), The Fall Voice Conference, The Pan American Vocology Association (PAVA), The Voice Foundation's Care of the Professional Voice, EuroNoise, Forum Acousticum, and many more.
Below is a select list of titles from the last 5 years.
Refereed or Peer-Reviewed Publications
(Student and post-doctoral authors italicized)
Hallam, P.R., Hodgman, M., McIntire, A., Cantor-Cutiva, L.C, & Hunter E. J. (in press) Supporting teacher wellness: Administrator insights on protecting teacher vocal health. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
Levine, K. J., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Castillo-Allendes, A., Hunter, E. J. (in press). Persuasion through focus groups: Helping teachers maintain healthy voices. Journal of Voice.
Contreras-Ruston, F., Castillo-Allendes, A., Saavedra-Garrido, J., Ochoa-Munoz, A.F., Hunter, E. J., Kotz, S.A., Navarra, J., (in press) “Voice Self-assessment in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease as compared to general voice disorders. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Calvache Mora, C., Rincón-Pinilla, M. P., & Hunter, E. J. (in press). Association Between Bilingualism, Vocal Effort, and Background Noise With Voice Fundamental Frequency and LTAS Among Spanish-English Bilingual Teachers. Journal of Voice.
Hunter, E. J., Berardi, M. L., & Susanna Whitling. (in press). A Semiautomated Protocol Towards Quantifying Vocal Effort in Relation to Vocal Performance During a Vocal Loading Task. Journal of Voice.
Castillo-Allendes, A., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Eduardo, F.-L., & Hunter, E. J. (2024). Behind the Headset: Predictive Accuracy of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Voice Symptoms in Call Centers | Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud, 6(1), 44–72.
Ferguson, S. H., Morgan, S. D., & Hunter, E. J. (2024). Within-talker and within-session stability of acoustic characteristics of conversational and clear speaking styles). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(1), 44–55.
Calvache Mora, C. A., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Hunter, E. J., Guzmán, M., & Soláque, L. (2023). Systematic Review of Literature on Vocal Demand Response: Understanding Physiology, Measurements, and Associated Factors. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 76(1), 1–21.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Bottalico, P., Codino, J., Hunter, E. J., & Rubin, A. D. (2023). A Tribute to Dr. Cristina Jackson-Menaldi: A Pioneer in the Field of Voice Disorders. Revista de Investigación e Innovación En Ciencias de La Salud, 5(2), Article 2.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Bottalico, P., Webster, J., Nudelman, C., & Hunter, E. J. (2023). The Effect of Bilingualism on Production and Perception of Vocal Fry. Journal of Voice, 37(6), 970.e1-970.e10.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Jiménez-Chala, E. A., Bottalico, P., & Hunter, E. J. (2023). Bilingualism and Voice Production. Differences Between Bilingual Latin-American Spanish- English Female Speakers and Monolingual Spanish Female Speakers During Spanish Productions. Journal of Voice, 37(5), 716–721.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Ramani, S. A., Walden, P. R., & Hunter, E. J. (2023). Screening of Voice Pathologies: Identifying the Predictive Value of Voice Acoustic Parameters for Common Voice Pathologies. Journal of Voice.
Castillo-Allendes, A., Codino, J., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Nudelman, C. J., Rubin, A. D., Barsties v. Latoszek, B., & Hunter, E. J. (2023). Clinical Utility and Validation of the Acoustic Voice Quality and Acoustic Breathiness Indexes for Voice Disorder Assessment in English Speakers. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(24), Article 24.
Castillo-Allendes, A., Guzmán-Ferrada, D., Hunter, E. J., & Fuentes-López, E. (2023). Tracking Occupational Voice State with a Visual Analog Scale: Voice Quality, Vocal Fatigue, and Effort. The Laryngoscope, 133(7), 1676–1682.
Figueroa-Martínez, F., Castillo-Allendes, A., Grunewaldt, K., Solís-Meza, T., Hunter, E. J., & Searl, J. (2023). Exploring the Feasibility of a Comprehensive Screening for Voice and Swallowing Function in Post-Extubation Patients: A Pilot Study. Revista de Investigación e Innovación En Ciencias de La Salud, 5(2), Article 2.
Ford, D. S., Hunter, E. J., & Deliyski, D. D. (2023). Immediate Effects of Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises on Acoustic, Auditory-Perceptual, and Self-Perceptual Measures of Voice Production. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 1–15.
Guo, H. Q., Yan, Q. B., Ivanov, N., Zhu, Y., Xiao, L., & Hunter, E. J. (2022). SUPERVOICE: Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Ultrasound Energy in Human Speech. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 1019–1033.
Owens, M., Ravi, V., & Hunter, E. J. (2023). Digital Inclusion as a Lens for Equitable Parent Engagement. TechTrends.
Whitling, S., Wan, Q., Berardi, M. L., & Hunter, E. J. (2023). Effects of warm-up exercises on self-assessed vocal effort. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 48(4), 172–179.
Banks, R. E., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., & Hunter, E. J. (2022). Factors Influencing Teachers’ Experience of Vocal Fatigue and Classroom Voice Amplification. Journal of Voice.
Berardi, M. L., & Hunter, E. J. (2022). Self-Perception of Vocal Effort in Response to Modeled Communication Demands. Journal of Voice, in press.
Castillo-Allendes, A., Delgado-Bravo, M., Ponce, A. R., & Hunter, E. J. (2022). Muscle Activity and Aerodynamic Voice Changes at Different Body Postures: A Pilot Study. Journal of Voice.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Banks, R. E., & Hunter, E. J. (2022). The Effect of Upper Airway Ailments on Teachers’ Experience of Vocal Fatigue. Journal of Voice, 36(2), 226–231.
Narayana, S., Franklin, C., Peterson, E., Hunter, E. J., Robin, D. A., Halpern, A., Spielman, J., Fox, P. T., & Ramig, L. O. (2022). Immediate and long-term effects of speech treatment targets and intensive dosage on Parkinson’s disease dysphonia and the speech motor network: Randomized controlled trial. Human Brain Mapping, 43(7), 2328–2347.
Banks, R. E., Beal, D. S., & Hunter, E. J. (2021). Sports Related Concussion Impacts Speech Rate and Muscle Physiology. Brain Injury, 35(10), 1275–1283.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Bottalico, P., Nudelman, C., Webster, J., & Hunter, E. J. (2021). Do Voice Acoustic Parameters Differ Between Bilingual English-Spanish Speakers and Monolingual English Speakers During English Productions? Journal of Voice, 35(2), 194–202.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Cuervo-Diaz, D. E., Hunter, E. J., & Moreno-Angarita, M. (2021). Impairment, disability, and handicap associated with hearing problems and voice disorders among Colombian teachers. Revista de Investigación e Innovación En Ciencias de La Salud, 3(1), Article 1.
Castillo-Allendes, A., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., & Hunter, E. J. (2021). Acoustic Effects of Vocal Warm-Up: A 7-Week Longitudinal Case Study. Journal of Voice, 0(0).
Hunter, E. J., Berardi, M. L., & van, M. M. (2021). Relationship Between Tasked Vocal Effort Levels and Measures of Vocal Intensity. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(6), 1829–1840.
Nanjundeswaran, C., van Mersbergen, M., Banks, R., & Hunter, E. (2021). Vocal Fatigue Index in Teachers Using Mokken Analysis. Journal of Voice.
Schloneger, M., Hunter, E. J., & Maxfield, L. (2021). Quantifying Vocal Repertoire Tessituras Through Real-Time Measures. Journal of Voice.
Sierra-Polanco, T., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Hunter, E. J., & Bottalico, P. (2021). Changes of Voice Production in Artificial Acoustic Environments. Frontiers in Built Environment, 7(666152).
Van Mersbergen, M., Beckham, B. H., & Hunter, E. J. (2021). Do We Need a Measure of Vocal Effort? Clinician’s Report of Vocal Effort in Voice Patients. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(1), 69–79.
Bottalico, P., Codino, J., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Marks, K., Nudelman, C. J., Skeffington, J., Shrivastav, R., Jackson-Menaldi, M. C., Hunter, E. J., & Rubin, A. D. (2020). Reproducibility of Voice Parameters: The Effect of Room Acoustics and Microphones. Journal of Voice, 34(3), 320–334.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Mello, M. C. M. B. de, & Hunter, E. J. (2020). Translation and Adaptation of the Vocal Fatigue Index into Spanish. Revista de Investigación e Innovación En Ciencias de La Salud, 2(2), Article 2.
Dsouza, H., Van Schyndel, A., Pastrana, J., Cao, Y., Hunter, E.J., Rakerd, B., & Sepúlveda, N. (2020). Ferroelectret nanogenerators for loudspeaker applications: A comprehensive study. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468, 115091.
Hunter, E. J., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., van Leer, E., van Mersbergen, M., Nanjundeswaran, C. D., Bottalico, P., Sandage, M. J., & Whitling, S. (2020). Toward a Consensus Description of Vocal Effort, Vocal Load, Vocal Loading, and Vocal Fatigue. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(2), 509–532.
Hunter, E. J., Maxfield, L., & Graetzer, S. (2020). The Effect of Pulmonary Function on the Incidence of Vocal Fatigue Among Teachers. Journal of Voice, 34(4), 539–546.
Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Bottalico, P., & Hunter, E. J. (2019). Work-related communicative profile of radio broadcasters: A case study. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 44(4), 178–191.
Rakerd, B., Hunter, E. J., & LaPine, P. (2019). Resonance Effects and the Vocalization of Speech. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(6), 1637–1643.
Rollins, M. K., Leishman, T. W., Whiting, J. K., Hunter, E. J., & Eggett, D. L. (2019). Effects of added absorption on the vocal exertions of talkers in a reverberant room. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(2), 775–783.
Rubin, A. D., Jackson-Menaldi, C., Kopf, L. M., Marks, K., Skeffington, J., Skowronski, M. D., Shrivastav, R., & Hunter, E. J. (2019). Comparison of Pitch Strength With Perceptual and Other Acoustic Metric Outcome Measures Following Medialization Laryngoplasty. Journal of Voice, 33(5), 795–800.
Smith, S. L., Maxfield, L., & Hunter, E. J. (2019). Sensitivity analysis of muscle mechanics-based voice simulator to determine gender-specific speech characteristics. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 18(2), 453–462.
(Student and post-doctoral authors italicized)
Apfelbach CS, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Castillo-Allendes A, Hunter EJ. (May 2024). “Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms in Mammalian Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles: A Systematic Review”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Knowles T, Cook S, Ramani A, Castillo-Allendes A, Philippone M, Hunter EJ. (May 2024). “Acoustic profiles of speech amplification devices on hypophonic speech in Parkinson’s disease”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Figueroa-Martínez F, Villanueva P, Quezada C, Castillo-Allendes A, Hunter EJ, Román D. (May 2024). "Voice Nasality Degrees: Attitudinal Responses among Lay Native Speakers of Chilean Spanish". 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva, LC; Manzano, C; Hunter, EJ. (May 2024). “Voice symptoms among Mexican prospective teachers”
Levine K, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Castillo-Allendes A, Hunter EJ. (May 2024). “Persuasion through Focus Groups: Helping Teachers Maintain Healthy Voices”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Castillo-Allendes A, Knowles T, Searl J, Hunter EJ. (May 2024). “Exploring Early Assessment of Voice Disorders in ICU: Insights from Speech-Language Pathologists”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ, Robison LJ ,“Social Capital Motives of voice disorders among teachers”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva, LC; Díaz Gutiérrez, A; Hunter, EJ. (May 2024). “Relationship between the year of training and current practical activities with voice symptoms among Uruguayan prospective teachers”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva, LC; Manzano, C; Díaz, A; Morales, A; Bittante de Oliveira, I; Piccolotto Ferreira, L; Vaz Masson, ML; Hunter, EJ. (May 2024). “Prevalence and associated factors of hoarseness among student teachers”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Yousef AM, Castillo-Allendes A, Hunter EJ. (May 2024). “Automated Diagnosis of Voice Disorders using Acoustic Voice Metrics: A Machine Learning Approach”. 53nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (Sept 2023). Work-Related Voice Disorders: From Detection to Prevention. XLI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) y XVIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (APE).
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (May 2023). Enhancing the acoustic environment for teachers working from home: A study on the effectiveness of a small sound insulating cabin prototype. 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, IL.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Ramani SA, Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2023). “Enhancing Voice Pathology Diagnosis: Evaluating the Sensitivity of Voice Parameters.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (ASHA). Boston, MA.
Castillo-Allendes A, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Codino J, Rubin A, Nuldelman C, Latoszek BB, Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2023). “Acoustic Voice Quality Index v03.01 and Acoustic Breathiness Index: A Validation Study for American English.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (ASHA). Boston, MA.
Hunter EJ, Banks RE, Cantor-Cutiva LC. (Nov. 2023). “Classroom Amplification Systems Access and Use Among a Vocally At-Risk Population.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (ASHA). Boston, MA.
Ramani SA, Henry T, Ikram MM, Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2023). “Surface EMG and Laryngeal Muscle Contributions During Phonation: Systematic Review including SEMG Tasks, Measurement, and Analysis.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (ASHA). Boston, MA.
Ramani SA, Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2023). “Enhancing Voice Pathology Diagnosis: Evaluating the Sensitivity of Voice Parameters.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (ASHA). Boston, MA.
Tripp R, Hunter EJ, Johnson A. (Nov. 2023). “Use of Crowdsourced Listeners’ Ratings to Measure Listener Estimates of Talker Age: A Feasibility Study.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (ASHA). Boston, MA.
Castillo-Allendes A, Searl J, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2023). “Effect of Vocal Exercise on Pharyngeal Constriction in Patients with Dysphagia: A Case Series.” Chilean Congress of Swallowing and Feeding, and III Latin American Dysphagia conference (CLADIII). Santiago, Chile.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (Sept 2023). Work-Related Voice Disorders: From Detection to Prevention. XLI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) y XVIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (APE).
Cantor-Cutiva LC, McDonald H, Hunter EJ. (Sept. 2023). Effect of Native Language on Differences in Voice Onset Time in English and Spanish Productions of Bilingual English-Spanish Speakers. The 2023 PAVA Hybrid Symposium. Miami, USA.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Calvache C, Hunter EJ. (September 2023). Vocal Effort among Bilingual English-Spanish College Professors. Forum Acusticum 2023. Torino, Italy.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (September 2023). What Are the Teachers’ Self-Concept and Vocal Behaviors Related to Their Voice as a Working Tool? Forum Acusticum 2023. Torino, Italy.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ, Ramani SA. (September 2023). Can Different Voice Acoustic Parameters Predict Better Voice Pathology Types? Forum Acusticum 2023. Torino, Italy.
Hunter EJ, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Banks RE, Anderson BE, Hallam P. (September 2023). Classroom Voice Amplification Systems Usage and Other Work-Related Factors in Teachers’ Vocal Health. Forum Acusticum 2023. Torino, IT.
Hunter EJ, Castillo-Allendes A, Cantor-Cutiva LC. (September 2023). Framework for Reducing Variability and Selection Bias in Teacher Vocal Health Research. Forum Acusticum 2023. Torino, Italy.
Berardi M, Dietrich M, Hunter EJ. (Aug. 2023). “Classification of Speech Acoustic and Vocal Effort Demand Responses to Vocal Loading Tasks.” 32nd World Conference of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). Auckland, New Zealand.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Brittante I, Dalmasso M, Díaz A, Malebrán C, Manzano C, Morales A, Piccolotto L, Ramonda J, van Masson ML, Hunter EJ. (Aug. 2023). “Survey to Explore Voice Use and Voice Symptoms among Student Teachers: A Multicentric and Multilanguage Study.” 32nd World Conference of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). Auckland, New Zealand.
Calvache C, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (May/June 2023). “Does Background Noise Affect Vocal Effort in Bilingual Speakers?” 52nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Castillo-Allendes A, Owen C, Hunter EJ. (May/June 2023). “Student Teachers and Voice: Is This an Exposure-Outcome Relation? Results from a Multicentric Multilanguage Study.” 52nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Castillo-Allendes A, Vergara J, Curtis JA, Searl J, Lopes de Moraes J, Hunter EJ. (May/June 2023). “Self-Concepts and Other Knowledge about Teachers' Voice: A Qualitative Research Project.” 52nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Malebran C, Díaz A, Dalmasso MC, Ramonda J, Cerda F, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (May/June 2023). “Voice Symptoms in Teaching Career Students of Countries from South America Territory.” 52nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Manzano C, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (May/June 2023). “Association of Acoustic, Aerodynamic and Electroglottographic Measures with S-VHI and VHI among Classical Singers vs Non-Classical Singers?” 52nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Manzano C, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Morales A, Hunter EJ. (May/June 2023). “Prevalence of self-reported voice symptoms of student teachers in the United States, México and Colombia: are there cultural-related differences?” 52nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA
Ramani SA, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (May-June 2023). Which Voice Parameters Differentiate Pathology Types in the Perceptual Voice Quality Database? 52nd Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (May 2023). Effect of a portable sound-booth on teachers’ voice acoustic parameters. 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, IL.
Berardi ML, Hunter EJ. (May 2023). “Voice Acoustics and Effort of Three Different Communication Scenarios Presented in an Anechoic Baseline.” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, Illinois.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Berardi ML, Gundry S, MacDonald H, Hunter EJ. (May 2023). “Vocal Level and Vocal Effort Variability across Phrase Types.” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, Illinois.
Castillo-Allendes A, Hunter EJ. (May 2023). “Pitch Elevation and Vocal Loudness Are Related to Swallowing Safety: A Proposal to Improve Their Performance.” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, Illinois.
Hunter EJ. (May 2023). Quantifying Teachers’ Response to Acoustic Environments: A Review of Several Recent Studies. 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, Illinois.
Hunter EJ, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Banks RE, Anderson B, Hallam P. (May 2023). Teacher’s Vocal Health: Voice Application Systems and Other Work-related Factors. 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, Illinois.
Ramani SA, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (May 2023). “Acoustic Speech Parameter Relationships with Voice Disorders and Phrase Differences.” 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, Illinois.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Ramani SA, Hunter EJ. (March/April 2023). “Principal Component Analysis to Identify Acoustic Parameters that Differentiate Voice Pathology Types.” 15th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research. Phoenix, AZ.
Castillo-Allendes A, Vergara J, Curtis JA, Searl J, Lopes de Moraes J, Hunter EJ. (March/April 2023). “Effects of semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE) on swallowing-related kinematics.” 15th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research. Phoenix, AZ.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (March 2023). “Understanding Voice Disorders among Student Teachers: A Literature Review.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (MSHA). Kalamazoo, MI.
Castillo-Allendes A, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (March 2023). “Learning about teachers’ voice concerns from their own voices: a qualitative research project.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (MSHA). Kalamazoo, MI.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Calvache CA, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2022). “Relation between Noise and Voice Production among Bilingual Occupational Voice Users.” ICA 2022 24th International Congress on Acoustics. Gyeongju, Korea.
Cantor-Cutiva LC and Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2022). “Workplace Vocal Health Promotion Programs Focused on Acoustics Conditions in School Settings.” ICA 2022 24th International Congress on Acoustics. Gyeongju, Korea.
Castillo-Allendes A, Fuentes-López E, Guzmán-Ferrada D, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2022). “Asociación Entre el Número de Trabajadores de un Call Center y su Nivel de Esfuerzo Fonatorio.” [Spanish: Association between Number of Call Center Workers and Their Level of Phonatory Effort] I Chilean Society of Speech Therapy Conference / IV Researcher in Speech-Language Pathology Conference. Valparaíso, Chile.
Castillo-Allendes A, Fuentes-López E, Guzmán-Ferrada D, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2022). “Relación Entre los Hábitos de Higiene Vocal, los Síntomas de la Voz, la Carga de Trabajo y el Análisis Acústico de la Voz entre los Operadores de Centros de Ilamadas.” [Spanish: Relationship between Vocal Hygiene Behaviors, Voice Symptoms, Workload, and Acoustic Voice among Call Center Workers] I Chilean Society of Speech Therapy Conference / IV Researcher in Speech-Language Pathology Conference. Valparaíso, Chile.
Castillo-Allendes A, Vergara J, Curtis JA, Searl J, Lopes de Moraes J, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2022). “Could Semi-occluded Vocal Tract Exercises Be a Complementary Tool for the Treatment of Swallowing Disorders?” The Fall Voice Conference (virtual). San Francisco, CA.
Castillo-Allendes A, Delgado-Bravo M, Reyes-Ponce A, Hunter EJ. (Aug. 2022). “Postural Modifications for Vocal Training and Therapy: Do They Work?” Pan American Vocology Association (PAVA) Symposium. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Schloneger M and Hunter EJ. (Aug. 2022). “A Longitudinal Case Study of Singer Voice Range Profile and Song Tessituras.” Pan American Vocology Association (PAVA) Symposium. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Whitling S, Berardi ML, Hunter EJ. (August 2022). “Evolution of the VLT with Specific Controlled Vocal Demands to Quantify Vocal Effort and Vocal Production Response.” The Pan European Voice Conference (PEVoC). Tallinn, Estonia
Berardi ML, Hunter EJ, Whitling S. (June 2022). “Towards Quantifying Vocal Effort and Vocal Production in Response to a Controlled Vocal Demand.” 51st Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Castillo-Allendes A, Hunter EJ. (June 2022) “Voice Acoustic Parameter Dependencies on Recording Instruments from Repeated Clinical-like Recordings: Accelerometer vs Microphone.” 51st Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Castillo-Allendes A, Fuentes-López E, Guzmán-Ferrada D, Hunter EJ. (June 2022). “Efficient Quantification of Self-perceived Voice Symptoms in an Occupational Setting Using a Visual Analog Scale.” 51st Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Ellerston J, Hargus Ferguson S, Young E, Hunter EJ. (June 2022). “Vocal Dosage for Partners of People with Hearing Loss.” 51st Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Hargus-Ferguson S, Hunter EJ, Morgan SD. (June 2022). “Within-Session Stability of Vocal Characteristics During Repeated Measures and Different Production Styles.” 51st Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Ramani SA and Hunter EJ. (June 2022). “Surface EMG and Muscle Contributions during Phonation: Systematic Review including SEMG Tasks, Measurement, and Analysis.” 51st Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Ramani SA, Balasubramanium RK, Hunter EJ, Krishnamurthy R. (June 2022). “Surface Electromyographic (SEMG) Study on Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles During Phonation in Both Males and Females Young Adults with Perceptually Normal Voice.” 51st Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Guo H, Yan Q, Ivanov N, Ying Z, Xiao L, and Hunter EJ. (May 2022). “SUPERVOICE: Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Ultrasound Energy in Human Speech.” 17th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS 2022). Nagasaki, Japan.
Barendsen B, Padgett S, Hunter EJ. (March 2022). “Early Pandemic Response and Remote Teaching Preparedness of Michigan Teachers.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA) Annual Conference. East Lansing, MI.
Cantor-Cutiva LC and Hunter EJ. (March 2022). “Workplace Vocal Health Promotion Programs in School Settings.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference (MSHA). East Lansing, MI.
Castillo-Allendes A, Searl J, Hunter EJ. (March 2022). “How Can Voice Exercises Help Swallowing Rehabilitation?” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA)Annual Conference. East Lansing, MI.
Jones C, Hunter EJ. (March 2022). “Convolution Analysis in Vocal Recovery Modeling.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual (MSHA)Conference. East Lansing, MI.
Ramani SA, Balasubramanium RK and Hunter EJ. (March 2022). “Sex and Task Differences in Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscle Activity during Phonation in the Indian Population.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA) Annual Conference. East Lansing, MI.
Castillo-Allendes A, Fuentes E, Andrews C, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2021). “Does the Number of Workers in a Call Center Influence Phonatory Effort?” Fall Voice Conference. Miami, FL.
Castillo-Allendes A, Fuentes E, Andrews C, Guzmán D, Fouillioux C, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2021). “Vocal Characteristics of Call Center Operators: Relationship between Vocal Health Habits, Workload and Acoustic Voice Analysis.” Fall Voice Conference. Miami, FL.
Castillo-Allendes A, Cantor-Cutiva L, Hunter EJ. (Aug. 2021). “Short-Term Vocal Effects from a Semi-Occluded Vocal Task: A Case Study.” Pan American Vocology Association (PAVA) Symposium.
Castillo-Allendes A, Cantor-Cutiva L, Hunter EJ. (Aug. 2021). “Trends in Scientific Publications on Voice Disorders among Teachers: A Bibliometric Analysis.” Pan American Vocology Association (PAVA) Symposium.
Hunter EJ. “Mobile Voice Recording and Analysis: Uncertainty and Reproducibility.” (June 2021). 180th ASA Meeting. Virtual.
Cantor-Cutiva L, Castillo-Allendes A, Owen C, Hunter EJ. (Jun 2021). “Effect of the Recording Instrument on Detecting Changes on Voice Acoustic Parameters after SOVT.” 14th AQL Conference. Bogotá-Colombia.
Castillo-Allendes A, Delgado M, Reyes A, Hunter EJ. (Jun 2021). “Posture and Phonation Suprahyoid, Infrahyoid, and Respiratory Muscle Activity during Body Position Modifications.” 14th AQL Conference. Bogotá-Colombia.
Ferguson S, Morisak P, Thurston S, Willson K, Hunter EJ. (Dec. 2020). “Acoustic Characteristics of Conversational and Clear Speech Produced in Quiet and in Noise by Older Adults with Hearing Loss.” 179th ASA Meeting. Acoustics Virtually Everywhere.
Tucker B, Berardi M, Hunter EJ, Hedges S. (Dec. 2020). “Changes in the Acoustic Characteristics of Speech in the Later Years of Life.” 179th ASA Meeting. Acoustics Virtually Everywhere.
Banks R, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2020). “Voice Amplification Use Among Teachers.” The Fall Voice Conference (virtual).
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Banks R, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2020). “Relation between Teachers’ Experience of Vocal Fatigue and Upper Airway Ailments.” The Fall Voice Conference (virtual).
Berardi M, Hunter EJ. (April 2020). “Vocal Performance and Vocal Effort: Understanding a Talkers Response to an Effort Goal.” Forum Acusticum 2020. Lyon, France. (conference rescheduled due to COVID-19).
Hunter EJ. (April 2020). “Vocal Demand Response Due to Real and Simulated Classroom Vocal Demands.” Forum Acusticum 2020. Lyon, France. (Conference rescheduled due to COVID-19).
Berardi M, Whitling S, Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2019). “Variability and Classification of Vocal Effort Using BORG CR-100 Scale.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention. Orlando, FL.
Ford D, Banks R, Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2019). “Effects of Hydration on a Vocal Loading Task in Occupational & General Voice Users.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention. Orlando, FL.
Banks R and Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2019). “Quantifying Speech & Voice Impairment in Individuals with Concussion History.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention. Orlando, FL.
Rollins M, Leishman TW, Hunter EJ. (Nov. 2019). “Effects of room acoustics on talkers: A use case for speech-acoustic signal processing in architectural acoustics.” 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. San Diego, CA.
Hunter EJ, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Ferguson SH. (Nov. 2019). “Two Case Studies of Perceived Age, Perceived Speech Quality, and Speech Acoustics.” 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. San Diego, CA.
Cantor-Cutiva LC and Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2019). “Association between Working Conditions and Lifestyle Habits Related with Self-report Voice Symptoms among Chilean and American College Professors.” 2019 PAVA Symposium. Santiago, Chile.
Nanjundeswaran C, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Hunter EJ. (Oct. 2019). “Mokken Scaling and Vocal Fatigue Index: Insights into the Complex Nature of Vocal Fatigue.” 2019 Fall Voice Conference. Dallas, TX.
Hunter EJ, Cantor-Cutiva LC, Whitling S, Nanjundeswaran C, Bottalico P, Sandage MJ, van Leer E, van Mersbergen M. (Aug. 2019). “Towards a Consensus Definition of Vocal Effort, Vocal Load, Vocal Loading, and Vocal Fatigue.” Pan-European Voice Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Whitling S, Wang A, Berardi M, Hunter EJ. (Aug. 2019). “Effects of Semi Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises on Self-Assessed Vocal Effort in Voice Healthy Individuals.” Pan-European Voice Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cantor-Cutiva LC, Malebran C, Hunter EJ. (May 2019). “Work-related Factors and Lifestyle Habits Related with Self-Report Voice Symptoms among College Professors. A Case Study of Chilean and American College Professors.” 48th Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Berardi ML and Hunter EJ. (May 2019). “Individual Variation in Speech Accommodation to Vocal Fatigue.” 48th Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Hunter EJ, Berardi ML, Hunter EJ. (May 2019). “Perceptual and Acoustic Quantification of URI-based Voice Changes in a High Load Situation.” 48th Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Hunter EJ, Ferguson SH, Cantor-Cutiva LC. (May 2019). “Perceived Age, Voice Quality, and Acoustic Metrics: Two Case Studies of Prominent Individuals.” 48th Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation on the Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
Hunter EJ, Berardi ML, Hunter EJ. (March 2019). “Voice Changes during Upper Respiratory Infections.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference. East Lansing, MI.
Rockey KL and Hunter EJ. (March 2019). “Speech Rate Change over a Prolonged Reading: Age Effects.” Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference. East Lansing, MI.